The Transfer/Overdragelsen
HD 02:15 min
The video mirror the mythological tale of Minerva Athens and her owls along with the relationship between a man and a woman.
Director: Steinbock/Hjerl
Cinematographer: Steinbock
Cast:Louise Abildgaard Nielsen
and Flemming Sanggard

HD 02.40 min.
The video has strong associations to Justica, the goddess of Justice. The golden apple is found in the Nordic Mythology, as a symbol
forever youth and strength and in the Greek
Mythology, as tomething which gave the men strength.
Director: Steinbock/Hjerl
Editor: Hjerl
Cinematographer: Steinbock
Cast: Joan Maibritt Heerwagen

The Transformation/Forvandlingen
HD, 04:00 min
The work is inspired by the weaving that adorns the church's altar, the church's antependium. The video focuses on the processes, dyeing and the way the yarn is processed. Weaving has to do with the narrative; threads are dyed, spun, woven and transform over time into entire pieces of textiles, tales.
Cast Annemette Larsen

KALDET / The Calling
HD, 22:43 min
Young People from Silkeborg reflects upon identity in a smaal village, life in general and future.The work cross references to youtube, influencer, but explores how the private/intimate space is staged as we communicated usinmg screens as the outside identity window.
Editor: Steinbock
Cast and director : Pernille Primholdt, Daniel Birkø
6 video works made in collaboration with videoartist Sophie Hjerl, as a selected project for Silkeborgudstilingen 2015.The project took place in the town Silkeborg, in Jutland, Denmark.The actors are local people and amateur actors from the city.
Each work is made specially for the location dealing with history, themes or situations, relevant for the specific place and its citizens.
The project investigate the balance between
the feminine / masculine, the inner / outer and the private / public. By screening the videowork within public space and without the context of the white cube the project invites the audience to experience video art in new settings, the church, the local bar etc. There is a special advantage in art in public space, everyone has the opportunity to experience art, even without seeking it; and maybe even without knowing it is art.

The Duel
HD Video 03.20 min
Director: Steinbock/Hjerl
Cinematiographer: Steinbock
Editor: Steinbock
Cast: Michael Rune Pedersen, Karsten Petersen.

The Fellow man/Medmennesket
HD Video. 02.30 min
The concept was inspired by two unique actions within the church of Silkeborg's social work; The 'Immigrant Scheme' and 'Neighbourhood Mothers'. They offer help and care for refugees and those who struggle with different personal challenges.
Director: Steinbock/Hjerl
Editor: Steinbock
Cast: Sahro Adan Ali, Idil Abdirahman Mahamed, Signe Utoft,Paasch Almar, Tina Elkjær, Joan Maibritt Heerwagen , Michael Rune Pedersen, Karsten Petersen, Martin Jensen, Henning Andersen.